Can male-pattern baldness be cured?

One look at the type of products and techniques available to conceal bald spots should answer this question. Many men go to great lengths to ensure that they ‘comb over’ sections of their hair to cover baldness. Others change their hairstyle to make it less obvious. Others still wear wigs and toupes.
These sorts of measures cannot conceal the fact that your hair is not growing back. In many cases, they are less of an effort to disguise hair loss than an exercise in boosting self-confidence. Many wig wearers wear them because they feel more confident in their wig – almost as though it is an accessory to their outfit.
Unfortunately, hair loss is not reversible. If untreated, male-pattern baldness will continue along its natural course. If you do choose to treat your condition, then it is important to remember that there are no products on the market that can cure it. The hair you’ve already lost will unfortunately never grow back.
It is a common misconception that baldness can be cured. This misconception probably stems from two causes. Firstly, where there’s a will there’s a way, and most men with male-pattern baldness wish that their hair would grow back. That hope is something unscrupulous retailers can play on with clever marketing.
Secondly, there are some products on the market which can thicken your existing hair so that it appears as though it is growing back. Clearly, this isn’t quite the same as curing it, but it is probably the next best thing!

Finasteride is a prescribed tablet-form medicine that combats balding by stopping dihydrotestosterone from forming and therefore weakening the hair follicles. Therefore, if you begin the treatment early enough, and the male pattern balding is not particularly advanced, the existing follicles can strengthen and regrow. This creates the impression of reversing male-pattern baldness, although what is actually happening is that the process has been stopped rather than reversed.


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