After we spotted a bald model opening Lakme Fashion Week in Mumbai, India, we started thinking about how many a famous lady has shaved her head through the years, yet it's still somewhat shocking to see a woman rocking the look. Here are 12 celebs who pulled it off, Britney Sprears possibly excluded.
When singer Sinead O'Connor came on the scene in the late 80's, the bald female thang was still very arresting. Looks like she'll never change her signature 'do.
Natalie Portman reigns supreme as perhaps the prettiest, most delicate famous baldy in history.
Sigourney Weaver looked so badass when she was bald in "Alien." We wish she would've busted the same move for her recent role on "Avatar."
At the time, the press claimed Cameron Diaz had gone bald for the forgettable film "My Sister's Keeper," but it was revealed that she was wearing a cap instead. Weak!
Supermodel Alek Wek staked her career on being bald, and succeeded.
A bald, nose-ringed model opened for designer Krishna Mehta's show in Mumbai last week, that inspired up to maybe go short and sheared this summer...well, maybe...
Who could forget the media blitz when Demi Moore shaved her head for "G.I. Jane". Geesh, and she still looks great! Proof, the "eyes" have it!
Kanye West and girlfriend Amber Rose re-created the famous Grace Jones Island Life album cover.
We actually think singer Cassie looks amazing-she managed to make herself look edgy in just the right way.
Beyonce's sister, Solange, is clearly the ballsy one in the Knowles family,
Britney Spears shocked her fans and the press when she shaved her own head for the onlooking paparazzi.