bald men sexy?
Are bald men sexy? Yes they are! They are many men who claimed that shaving their hair completely will make them look sexy and cool. But I would say not all bald men are sexy because they are lack of confidence in handling their looks. Baldness for some men is an illness, but for others a fashion! So if you are bald because you are suffering from hair loss syndrome or whatever it is, then don’t think that it is the end of your fashion world. It is the beginning for you to use that baldness as part of your grooming style and I tell you, you will be back on the track of becoming handsome again.
Bald men who believe too much about themselves display a sense of strength, confidence, passion and masculinity. Old wives stories state the men with no hair have had their strands burn up because of their awe-inspiring passion. Whether that is true or not, it adds to the mystique.
In recent surveys, many young women preferred men with shaved heads and that goes to bald men. They said that bald men are neat, cool and hot. Do you think these women were talking about bald men wearing wigs? Or bald men wearing tight jeans? You have to blend your baldness with fashion and the result would always a positive one.
If you try to check the Entertainment news, you always find great actors who are labeled as sexy actors, and these guys are bald. Bruce Willis is one of the top actors in Hollywood and with his bald head; people think he is more cool and sexy. Tupac Shakur was bald, and he was making money with his image.
If we talk about love, baldness is not an issue to a woman, she is definitely likes her man. And what is more positive to think of is that women don't view baldness negatively as men do. Women aren't much troubled about the disappearance of hair on your head, though most men are concerned but not women! What is important is you have an interesting personality it wouldn't matter at all if your hair is gone.
Many women particularly like bald men especially if they had a wonderful previous experience with bald men. For example, if youthful woman was with a hairless guy and had great reminiscences, she will always correlate baldness with somewhat attractive, something that awakes happy sentiment in her.
Being bald is not bad, bald is sexy
Some women think that bald men looks bad, that is very rare and unrealistic, As I mention bald is more about beauty– sexy. So maybe that's why men so anxious because they thought baldness makes them look older, I would say it will make you older if you have not used your baldness to your advantage. Being bald is sexy. I heard that men with baldness more likely having further sex hormone which good. I don't know if it's true or not but it doesn't echo badly at all. So be proud and think sexy for having that baldness.
Bald women sexy?
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Has she lost her mind?
What brought this on?
A friend of mine had to go bald because of an illness.
So, after some thought, I shaved my head and went bald with her as a show of solidarity (my friends already know this, but for those of you who don’t I am female too).
I wanted her to know I sympathize with her, and have compassion for her. I also wanted to let her know there was nothing to fear.
However, I overlooked what society in general thinks about bald women. Among females, a healthy head of hair is an indicator of youth and beauty. We have princess/suburban prom queen stereotypes of normality. Women need hair to have societal approval.
If you are a guy and you shave your head no one says anything. Unfortunately though, if you’re female, the sight of a woman’s bare scalp still makes society’s hair stand on end.
Despite how far we’ve come, beauty and sexuality remain tied to a woman’s hair. There is a certain amount of vanity in those tresses.
Social pressures regarding appearance are generally felt more strongly by women, and female head shaving is considered taboo to many people. Societal norms dictate that “girls should have long hair”. Even when baldness is caused by illness, it is taboo because it flouts conventions of acceptable femininity.
The woman with the crown is Miss Tanzania, who was one of the Miss Universe 2007 candidates. Miss Tanzania had a shaved head during the competition which set off morality issues.
Miss Sweden unexpectedly pulled out of the event because of complaints in her country that 2007′s Miss Universe competition was morally degrading to women.
Morality, societal norms, and taboo are very sensitive issues, but I still want everyone’s opinion on this matter.
So, here are my questions:
Are women who shave their heads degrading their identity?
Are bald women sexy?
What is it about a bald woman that generates so much controversy?
Why when we see a bald woman do we assume she’s a lesbian, a radical feminist, a political extremist, or a skinhead?
Why is a bald female head taboo?
What is it with this global fetish with hair?