Why doesn’t baldness affect all men in the same way?

Hippocrates, nearly 2500 years ago, noticed and commented on the fact that male-pattern baldness did not affect eunuchs. But it wasn’t until the 20th century that doctors identified the link between male-pattern baldness and dihydrotestosterone.
As we have seen, some men go bald because they are genetically disposed to do so. Their genetic make-up means that they produce more of a chemical called dihydrotestosterone, which weakens the hair follicles to the extent that they fall out and cannot grow back.
Many advances have been made in understanding male-pattern baldness and great steps forward have been made in isolating improved treatments. However, there are still many things that we don’t know. One simple question that scientists cannot answer, for example, is why armpits and beards remain unaffected. Why is it only our heads that go bald?
In the UK, 2/3rds of all men will succumb to male-pattern baldness. Altogether, that adds up to nearly seven and a half million individuals. Strangely, however, rates of baldness differ from race to race. While Caucasians and Afro-Caribbeans go bald the most, Chinese and Japanese men do bald much less. Male-pattern baldness, for some reason, does not occur at all among Native American men.
So there are still lots of questions to answer about male-pattern baldness. And who knows, maybe one day (if we study Native Americans enough) a cure will be found.

Can male-pattern baldness be cured?

One look at the type of products and techniques available to conceal bald spots should answer this question. Many men go to great lengths to ensure that they ‘comb over’ sections of their hair to cover baldness. Others change their hairstyle to make it less obvious. Others still wear wigs and toupes.
These sorts of measures cannot conceal the fact that your hair is not growing back. In many cases, they are less of an effort to disguise hair loss than an exercise in boosting self-confidence. Many wig wearers wear them because they feel more confident in their wig – almost as though it is an accessory to their outfit.
Unfortunately, hair loss is not reversible. If untreated, male-pattern baldness will continue along its natural course. If you do choose to treat your condition, then it is important to remember that there are no products on the market that can cure it. The hair you’ve already lost will unfortunately never grow back.
It is a common misconception that baldness can be cured. This misconception probably stems from two causes. Firstly, where there’s a will there’s a way, and most men with male-pattern baldness wish that their hair would grow back. That hope is something unscrupulous retailers can play on with clever marketing.
Secondly, there are some products on the market which can thicken your existing hair so that it appears as though it is growing back. Clearly, this isn’t quite the same as curing it, but it is probably the next best thing!

Finasteride is a prescribed tablet-form medicine that combats balding by stopping dihydrotestosterone from forming and therefore weakening the hair follicles. Therefore, if you begin the treatment early enough, and the male pattern balding is not particularly advanced, the existing follicles can strengthen and regrow. This creates the impression of reversing male-pattern baldness, although what is actually happening is that the process has been stopped rather than reversed.

Stopping Male Pattern Baldness - Hair Loss & Hair Transplant Surgery Guide

Many men start to lose their hair at a relatively young age. In fact, it isn’t unusual for some men to begin losing their hair in their late teens or early twenties. For these men, the most important question is, ‘will that lost hair ever be replaced?’. And if not, why not?Can male hair loss be stopped?
The dilemma for many men is that, if they are self-conscious about their condition, the alternatives can sometimes seem just as excruciatingly embarrassing. If you’ve begun to lose your hair, will you feel any less self-conscious if you suddenly emerge one day wearing a toupe or hairpiece? Probably not. It would make life far easier if your real hair could just grow back.
In this article, we’ll look at why men lose hair, whether the condition is reversible and what options you have (other than wearing a hairpiece, of course).
What is male-pattern baldness?
Male pattern baldness is the most common reason why men lose hair. For most men with male-pattern baldness, it can take up to 25 years to go bald. For others, hair loss can occur entirely within a timeframe of five years.
Usually, by the time most men have reached their early 60s, they are showing some signs of baldness. However, as we mentioned, baldness can begin at virtually any age from late teens onwards. Research has shown that around one third of 30 year olds have male-pattern baldness, while when you get to 50 year olds, it is around 50%.
Male pattern baldness is actually a form of alopecia. Alopecia is really a name that covers a lot of different factors that contribute to baldness. Three of the most significant of those factors are disease, age and genetics.
Research from Kings College London in 2008 identified the gene regions that lead to male-pattern baldness. While the research showed that the mother’s side exerts the strongest influence, baldness on either side of the family would make men more likely to have male-pattern baldness later in life. Over 1000 men were tested and statistics showed that, for men who had activity in the gene regions identified as influencing male-pattern baldness, hair loss was seven times more likely to occur. Altogether, around 14% of the male population in the UK is thought to have the genetic make-up required for male-pattern baldness.
As well as genetics, there are a number of other factors that contribute to androgenic alopecia. As you would expect from the statistics that show most men are showing signs of baldness by their 60s, age is a contributory factor. Typically, hair thins at the front and the crown, leaving a fringe of hair around the back and sides of the head.

Gene scan to predict hair loss

Man with receeding hairline
Male pattern baldness affects around 40% of men

Genes that may increase by seven-fold the risk of early baldness amongst men have been uncovered by a team of international researchers.
Analysis of DNA from 5,000 volunteers with and without male-pattern baldness found two stretches of the genome linked with the condition.
One in seven men have both genetic variants, Nature Genetics reported.
Being able to predict hair loss early could boost development of preventive treatments, the researchers said.
An initial study in more than 500 men with early onset hair loss and 500 men without the condition highlighted the two genetic regions which substantially increased the risk of baldness.

One was the androgen receptor gene and has already been linked to male-pattern baldness.
The other region is on chromosome 20 and is nowhere near any known gene.
Male pattern baldness, or androgenic alopecia, was already k nown to be hereditary and partly caused by male sex hormones.
More work is needed to work out how this influences risk of baldness, the researchers said.
Their findings were confirmed by the researchers in other groups of people with androgenic alopecia - including women in which they found a weaker association - in the UK, Iceland and the Netherlands.
A second study also published in Nature Genetics found a similar link between hair loss and chromosome 20.
The German researchers said the androgen gene which until now had been the only gene identified with baldness was on the X chromosome which is inherited from the mother.
But chromosome 20 is inherited from both mother and father and may provide an explanation for similarities in hair loss between father and sons, they said.
Dr Tim Spector, from Kings College London, said they found around 14% of men carry both genetic variants.
"At the moment we have a fairly good diagnostic tool for people who might want to know whether they will lose their hair before they are 50.
"There probably won't be many people who want to use that at the moment because there aren't any preventive treatments."
He added he hoped it would stimulate pharmaceutical companies to develop creams, gels or pills to prevent hair loss before it starts.
"The other thing is understanding how these genes actually work - it's likely to provide use with new targets for gene therapy which is actually quite easy to deliver to the hair follicle."
Professor Val Randall, from the Centre for Skin Sciences at the University of Bradford said the work was very exciting, although it was debatable whether men would benefit from finding out about their hair loss risk.
However she added: "It is always easier to prevent than replace hair growth.
"Male pattern baldness has a strong inherited aspect and understanding that may well lead to better treatments and novel approaches." 

 Male pattern baldness had a strong inherited aspect and understanding that may well lead to better treatments and novel approaches 
Professor Val Randall, University of Bradford

Cause of male baldness discovered, experts say

male pattern baldnessNearly half of men experience some degree of baldness by the age of 50

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Experts say they have discovered what they believe is the cause of male pattern baldness.
It is not simply a lack of hair, but rather a problem with the new hair that is made.
A manufacturing defect means the hair produced is so small it appears invisible to the naked eye, giving the classic bald spot or receding hairline.
The US team told the Journal of Clinical Investigation the fault lies with the stem cells that make new hair.
It may be possible to 'cure' male baldness by restoring the normal function of these cells, the experts hope.
Ultimately, they hope to be able to develop a cream that could be applied to the scalp to help the stem cells grow normal hair.
Using men undergoing hair transplants as guinea pigs, the University of Pennsylvania team compared hair follicles in bald patches and hairy areas of the scalp.

This difference means that hair follicles in bald patches shrink rather than disappear and the new hairs made are microscopic compared to normal hair.
Although bald areas had the same number of hair-making stem cells as normal scalp, there were fewer of a more mature type, called the progenitor cell.
Dr George Cotsarelis who led the research said: "This implies that there is a problem in the activation of stem cells converting progenitor cells in bald scalp.

Until now it has been unclear what the exact cause of male pattern baldness is, but experts believe the male hormone testosterone is involved and baldness also tends to run in families.
"The fact that there are normal numbers of stem cells in bald scalp gives us hope for reactivating those stem cells."

Baldness remedies

People have always been gullible where their hair is concerned. Queen Victoria drank silver birch wine made from sap because she believed it would cure her baldness. And despite icons such as David Beckham shaving off their locks, hair loss is refusing to become fashionable.
Dr Andrew Messenger, a consultant dermatologist at Royal Hallamshire Hospital in Sheffield, told NetDoctor: 'Although the great majority of men learn to live with it, I think everybody would prefer not to be bald. For a very small number of men, it becomes a big issue.'
He says it is more often younger men who visit their doctor to ask what can be done about hair thinning.

Medical attitudes to thinning hair

Most doctors believe men should think deeply before using any remedies for hair loss because the treatment options are so limited.
Baldness isn't a life-threatening condition, and it is easy to spend a lot of money trying to restore a full head of hair.
While it's all very well being told how you ought to feel about the loss of your hair, if it starts to dint your self-esteem, it's probably worth seeking treatment.
But Dr Messenger is clear about the limitations of medicine in this area: 'There are only two ways to deal with baldness currently available in the UK that the evidence shows work to at least some extent.' Neither of the medicines listed below is available on the NHS.


Minoxidil is sold over the counter as a topical solution (liquid) under the brand name Regaine.

How does it work?

We don't know how minoxidil works. It was first used on patients with heart disease who reported an increased growth in their hair.
It may increase blood supply to the hair follicles.

How is it used?

It's applied twice a day, and it can take up to four months for the results to be noticeable.

Buyer beware

Elizabeth Steel founded the support group Hairline International for both men and women after she lost her own hair.
'We hear of so many unsatisfactory transplants that we no longer recommend them,' she says.
'We advise our members to stay away from private clinics to avoid losing their money as well as their hair. It is just money down the drain.
'Some men have told me they knew the exotic and expensive remedies they were given weren't going to work, but they just wanted to enjoy the temporary light at the end of the tunnel.'
Her organisation has given impartial advice to more than 30,000 men worried about their hair falling out. Elizabeth says thinning hair can leave men very vulnerable: in one case, a successful 40-year-old father of two took his own life after a hair transplant went wrong.

Where can I get help?

  • Your GP: consult your doctor before you hand over your money to anyone offering a cure for baldness.
  • For general advice on hair loss, write to Hairline International, Lyons Court, 1668 High Street, Knowle, West Midlands B93 0LY. Enclose an A4-sized self-addressed envelope.
Last updated 05.06.2007

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Cures for baldness: hair-raising science

With radical transplant techniques and revolutionary formulae for regrowth, men – and the women who love them – may be looking forward to a luxuriantly hirsute future. Tim Lott investigates
Tim Lott
Tim Lott
Tim Lott
Tim Lott goes under the clippers at his brother's Soho barber shop. Photograph: Suki Dhanda for the Observer
It is some time now since I started to worry about baldness – somewhere between the retreat of the already fine hair at my temples in my early 30s and the final failing of the last growth of hair at my crown a few years back.
I had been trying to convince myself that things might not be too bad for the past 20 years. But at the beginning of this year, at the age of 55, an encounter with a ceiling-mounted mirror revealed to me what was doubtless obvious to others – a monkish, thinning crown. There was no longer any doubt about it. I was definitely more bald than not.
My wife, Rachael, wanted me to take it all off and be done with it. It was an option that made me nervous. My brother, Jack, a professional hairdresser for 20-odd years, advised me to hold on to what little I had. He had witnessed many times the shock, usually unpleasant, that men felt when they finally did clip or shave their hair.
I retained a sentimental attachment to what remained of my hair. After all, it had once been my pride and joy. In my teenage years, during the summer, it was cornstalk yellow, and I wore it long and wild. I considered it to be one of the few effective items of mating display available to me, and its relentless disappearance was a matter of grave regret.
But regrets were not going to get my locks back. So, against the advice of my own brother, I turned up at Jack's salon, determined, at last, to go for The Chop.
I may be ONE OF THE LAST generation of men who face this dilemma. In December last year, scientists at the Berlin Technical University revealed they had grown the world's first artificial hair follicles from stem cells. The leader of the research team claimed that within five years millions of hair-loss sufferers could grow new hair from their own stem cells and have it implanted into their bald spots. In January this year a study by the University of Pennsylvania suggested that bald men were not bald at all – it was simply that their stem cells were producing growths too fine to be visible to the human eye. According to the team leader, Dr George Cotsarelis, "The fact that there are normal numbers of stem cells in a bald scalp gives us hope for reactivating those stem cells."
Then, in February, researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles found that a chemical called Astressin B showed "astounding" results for hair regrowth after one jab per day for just five days. The tests were on mice, but the researchers were confident that a cure for baldness could be found in five to 10 years.
Finally, in March, a British company called Nanogen announced that their scientists had pioneered a brand new technology to combat hair loss. The new technology had "been designed to improve hair growth and even re-awaken dormant hair follicles". The company claimed to have developed a new "growth factor complex" (sh-VEGF) which would stimulate hair-follicle growth on balding scalps.
Taken together, this seemed to herald a revolution. Over the years there has been no shortage of unrealistic headlines promising an end to baldness – but most of this new research seemed to emanate from respectable academic institutions, and all of them seemed to be promising the same thing – the End of Bald.
Mopping up? ... James Nesbitt before and after his hair transplant.Mopping up? ... James Nesbitt before and after his hair transplant. Photograph: Ken McKay/Richard Young/Rex Features
Even if the research proved to be disappointing in the long run, there appeared to be other developments in the world of hair repair taking place, too – not in biochemistry, but in the technology of hair weaving and transplants.
Actor James Nesbitt spent tens of thousands of pounds on what appeared to be a remarkably successful hair transplant. "They've changed my life. It's horrible going bald. Anyone who says it isn't is lying," said Nesbitt. Instead of the pitted sprouting potato look seen on many unfortunate recipients of hair transplants, Nesbitt's hair looks convincing enough to help land him – he believed – major new roles that he would otherwise have been denied.
The success of the transplant doubtless had something to do with the amount of money he could afford to spend on the job, but in the past hard cash didn't always solve the problem. "All that money and he's still got hair like a dinner lady," spat Boy George of Elton John, who has appeared to unsuccessfully confront his receding hairline with various ineffectual treatments over the years.
But this time, the transplants were actually pretty convincing. What was going on? There were rumours that a new hair-transplant technique – FUE, or Follicular Unit Extraction, which transplants follicles from the back of the head one by one instead of in a long strip – used robot technology to enable thousands of follicles to be replanted at once, thus producing a more sophisticated and convincing result. Perhaps a new crop of hair could be bought, right now, without having to wait for genetic science to take the necessary leap forward.
At my brother's hairdressing shop in London's Soho, I paced the floor. I'd spent the past week in a sunny clime gaining a tan in an attempt to minimise the impact, but listening to Jack revving up his clippers made me antsy in the extreme.
I lowered myself nervously into the chair. This would be the end of all choice – other than one, two, three or four, the settings on Jack's clippers. A "number one" was the bonehead cut, the number four the "suede head". I decided to go for the most modest option, the number four.
As I watched the hair cascade from my scalp, I was surprised how much of it I still had left. There was still bulk at the sides and the back, but that was now disappearing in clumps on to Jack's floor. I watched with a combination of fascination and anxiety. The procedure didn't seem to require too much artistry – clip, flip, drop, buzz, zip. Jack started with a channel down the centre of the head, just for fun I think, so I would look genuinely like a 50s mental patient, then took the rest off. The process probably lasted no more than 20 minutes. I kept asking Jack to change the music to something more calming.
Then it was over. Jack smiled, and dusted the back of my neck with talcum powder. I ran my hand over my head to feel the sharp, angry stubble, checked in the mirror then went into the bathroom and checked the mirror there.
How did I feel? I felt happy.
I had never felt so clean, and so… straightforward. It was no nonsense, it was real, it was me. I liked it.
I suddenly had no idea what the fuss about being bald was all about.
Why does baldness matter so much to men? The thinker and notable bald person, Alain de Botton, recalls his own grief when his hair began to disappear in his late teens.
"It was very distressing and frustrating," he says. "It stood in the way of being confident about myself and undermined my sense of how attractive I was to women. Even at the age of 40 I still think of it as an unfortunate thing in my life. But I see it as being almost analogous to a disability. It isn't simply vanity – most people do look worse without hair."
De Botton also notes that it is not subject to social inhibition in the way other shortcomings might be. "It is completely acceptable to laugh at a bald person in a way that it simply isn't at a fat person."
His distress is not unusual. Stories of men – and women – becoming suicidal after hair loss are not uncommon. This is not just about looks, but mortality, the passage of time.
"It is a paradigm of ageing, a signal of loss of control over our bodies on a continuum with, say, losing the ability to stand up or the loss of a faculty," says De Botton. "We suddenly become describable as just an old biddy or an old fool. Baldness quickly swallows up a person, like 'just' a fat person or an ill person."
Murray Healy, journalist and author of the book Gay Skins: Class, Masculinity and Queer Appropriation, points out that losing hair naturally is "seeming to fail, which is a bad thing. Thinning hair is, in a sense, the equivalent of a 'failed crop'." By which he means a failed agricultural rather than tonsorial crop.
He suggests unhappiness at not having hair is to do with a sense of shame, rather than any objective reality; and that if one is bold and does nothing to conceal the loss, and in fact emphasises it by shaving, it can signify the opposite of failure – confidence in one's own masculinity. This is a fairly recent phenomenon, which can be traced back to the hyper-masculinity advertised by the original skinheads in the 60s and 70s, a hairstyle which was then appropriated and lionised by the gay community in the 80s and 90s and turned into the opposite signal.
By the time Bruce Willis and David Beckham started to crop their hair, shaven-headedness had gone Mainstream Hetero. The white-van man and metrosexual alike, the baldness sufferer and the style surfer, were all flocking to have their hair clippered to the minimum length. "Celebrities shaving their heads brought a different interpretation to baldness entirely," says Healy. "From when Trevor Sorbie started to makeover men with cropped hair on daytime TV in the early 90s, the meaning changed."
But what about those who are not convinced by Trevor Sorbie or Bruce Willis? Is there really hope for them, with the new research discoveries and fresh techniques for hair transplantation? Probably not, according to GP and medical journalist Dr James Le Fanu, author of The Rise and Fall of Modern Medicine.
"You have to be incredibly sceptical about stem cells and anything where people say in five years' time we'll do such and such," says Le Fanu. "Stem-cell technology appears to offer the moon. Regeneration and regenerative medicine is often presented as the answer to everything in the universe. But actually there's nothing in the bank."
Balding, Le Fanu points out, is deeply mysterious, even counter-intuitive. "Nobody knows why you get balder as you get older. It's an anomaly. It doesn't fit." Because, Le Fanu explains, people with lower levels of testosterone (which usually comes with ageing) should theoretically enjoy better hair growth. After all, castrati never lose their hair, because they don't produce testosterone. "There is some link between hair loss and testosterone, but no one knows what it is."
Le Fanu isn't all negative. He claims that hair transplants are pretty good nowadays and recommends drugs such as Regaine (Minoxidil), which induces hair growth in 30-40% of people. He notes that "increasing circulation to the scalp also appears to promote hair growth. The Japanese have a special hair brush which they use to massage the scalp 200 times a day to increase blood flow. This is said to improve hair growth."
Le Fanu, though knowledgeable, is not a hair-loss specialist. The closest I could get to an independent expert, Dr Bessam Farjo, is medical director of both the Institute of Trichologists and the Farjo Medical Centre in Manchester, which specialises in hair transplants. Farjo respected calls for scepticism, but was cautiously optimistic that real progress is being made.
"The importance of George Cotsarelis's research is in showing that stem cells are not lost when people lose their hair," says Farjo. "It's just that a certain kind of cell – the progenitor cell – is missing. If the hair is still there and the cells are still there, the hope is that the cell can be 'kick started' to produce new hair growth.
"The UCLA experiments with Astressin B underline the case for linking hair loss with stress – the mice in the experiment lost hair when put under stress and regained it when the Astressin B was introduced. Furthermore, the German research is the first time to my knowledge that artificial hair follicles have been grown in a laboratory. This could be very promising."
The "growth factor", sh-VEGF, that Nanogen claims to have discovered, and which can supposedly "reawaken dormant hair follicles", is also significant, according to Farjo. "A growth factor sets off protein in the body that triggers various processes... they flow in the body naturally. But a growth factor can also retard growth as well as promote it. The research is all about trying to figure out how to introduce more of the positive growth factors."
Farjo emphasises that "curing" baldness – which, after all, is completely natural and therefore doesn't require a cure – is still a long way off. "We definitely have a lot more information now than five or 10 years ago – but curing baldness could, in the long run, be as difficult as curing cancer."
Farjo recommends hair transplants for those seeking a quick solution – which, he says, have greatly progressed. However, the idea that James Nesbitt has been the benefactor of a new robotic FUE technique is simply wrong. Nesbitt had a conventional "strip harvesting" process. He was just lucky, had a good surgeon, and it took well.
"Robot technology has simply not been achieved yet to the level where it can be used," says Farjo. "And there is no real difference in quality between strip harvesting and FUE – it's just a matter of how serious a scar you leave at the back of the head."
Talking of scars – psychological rather than physical – the big test for me was going home after my crop. It was, after all, my wife who had nagged me for years to get my hair taken off and, as usual, I cravenly sought her approval.
Somewhat predictably, for the first day, she didn't even notice. I had to resort to blocking her off in a corridor and asking her the pointed question: "Well?" while raising my eyes to the crown of my head.
"Well what?" Rachael said, scanning me abstractedly, to work out what exactly I was talking about.
"Well?" I said, even more pointedly, lowering my head slightly so she might be able to get a better clue.
"Oh, your hair!" she said finally. She grimaced, then said, "I was hoping it would be shorter." Then she rushed off to an important appointment.
Clearly she was unimpressed, but then I was sure the style would grow on her – so to speak. Sure enough, when she returned from her appointment, she examined me critically, as if for the first time, and smiled. She clearly loved it.
"You look like a cancer patient," she said, cheerfully, and went to make some tea. Perhaps a comb over wouldn't be such a bad idea after all.